Ragas Dental College and hosptial made its beginning with a crystal clear vision and mission of imparting quality dental education academically and professionally. Our college is known beyond india as an institute for advanced study in dentistry and can look back on a long tradition, its program are characterised by academic diversity and an international atmosphere of learning, constitutional principle of freedom of research, teaching and patient care. Aim of education to make man think clearly, feel nobly and get rightly in development.

Our college is guided by its well defined vision – STRIVE TO SERVE
To create an environment of excellence where dental education combines scientific knowledge with ethical values

- To impart cutting edge clinical skills in an evidence based approach
- The imparted clinical skills will be used to treat patients holistically
- To provide quality dental health care with a human touch which adheres to one motto of “Strive to serve”
- To constantly steer towards innovating teaching & learning experience along with research.