
- 14/10/2019
Inauguration at Saveetha
- Ragas Dental College #2/102, Ragas dental college & Hospital, Eest Cost Road, Uthandi – 600119
Ragas Dental College, is concerned with conservation of teeth in mouth. It embraces the practice of operation…

- 14/10/2019
Poster contest
- Ragas Dental college, uthandi
Ragas Dental College, is concerned with conservation of teeth in mouth. It embraces the practice of operation…

- 14/10/2019
Best Oral Presentation Award
- Ragas Dental College Uthandi
Ragas Dental College, is concerned with conservation of teeth in mouth. It embraces the practice of operation…

- 14/10/2019
Prosthodontic Society Conference
- Ragas Dental College Uthandi
Ragas Dental College, is concerned with conservation of teeth in mouth. It embraces the practice of operation…

- 15/11/2019
- sri sai college of dental surgery, vikarabad
Ragas Dental College, is concerned with conservation of teeth in mouth. It embraces the practice of operation…

- 14/11/2019
Clinical Society Meeting.
- Ragas Dental college, uthandi
Ragas Dental College, is concerned with conservation of teeth in mouth. It embraces the practice of operation…